Monday, December 10, 2012

EFAs and Smoothie Recipes

Hi folks! Today I wanted to talk a little about Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) and their importance in ALL diets. Most of us conjure up fat little salmons swimming upstream when they think about Omega-3s and EFAs. However, for us vegans and vegetarians, we have to try a little harder to get our EFAs in each day. I like to steer clear of supplements and instead try to get all my nutrition through food.

So what are EFAs and why are they so important?

Essential Fatty Acids are fatty acids we have to eat because our bodies don't make them on their own. If you want to learn more about what they actually are and all the science behind it, try a quick google search. I am not a doctor nor a scientist so I won't go into all of that! We get EFAs from food like salmon, tuna, flaxseed, soybeans, olive oil, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, dark, leafy veggies, and chia seeds. Most Americans get these from fish, however vegans need to be a little more creative.

EFAs have numerous health benefits and the body needs EFAs to function at its best.
-aid in normal brain function and some studies show they can help protect against dementia and Alzheimer's disease
-lower triglyceride levels in the blood and improve cardiovascular health
- decrease inflammation in the body including the joints
- aid in skin, hair, and nail growth
-can help those suffering from depression or ADHD

Most doctors and professionals agree that it's better to get your EFAs in from food rather than supplements. So here are two easy smoothie recipes using whole ground flaxseed meal to get a healthy dose of EFAs!

Peanut Butter & Banana smoothie
1 banana (frozen if you like)
1-2 tablespoons of peanut butter
1 tablespoon of whole ground flaxseed meal
1 cup of soy or almond milk

Add all the ingredients and blend away!

Berry & Banana Smoothie
1 banana (frozen if you like)
1/2 cup of berries (raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, or a combination)
1 tablespoon of whole ground flaxseed mill
1/2-1 cup of orange juice or almond milk depending on personal preference
2 or 3 ice cubes

Add ice and berries first, then remaining ingredients, and blend!

Some side notes:
I like Bob's Red Mill whole ground flaxseed meal. It's pretty easy to find at Sprouts or Whole Foods. Natural Grocer's is a good place to find it as well. 

I like to buy my berries in bulk when they are on sale. (Currently 10 for $10 for raspberries and blackberries at King Sooper's). Wash them, then lay them on a cookie sheet and freeze for about an hour. Then separate by the 1/2 cup and freeze in individual freezer bags for quickness in the morning.

I am in no way, shape, or form a doctor or medical professional. All the above information comes from the handy, dandy webmd. Go here for more info:

Remember that walnuts and oils can be high in calories so be careful and stick to serving sizes. If you are using flax as your daily source of Omega-3s, the recommended daily allowance is about 2 tablespoons for the average adult.   

If you do choose to take supplements, algae oil or flaxseed oil are good choices for vegetarians and vegans. 2 teaspoons a day should do the trick.

Have a great day!


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